British Science Week - Year 6 Everest
Year 6 have had a super first week back in school following our remote learning and it was great to start with a science focus. Our topic for this half-term is ‘The Circulatory System’ and the children have made an excellent start this week with their learning.
On Monday, we took inspiration from the famous children’s writer and illustrator Oliver Jeffers and looked at his book ‘The Heart and the Bottle’ which started us thinking about the physiological features of the heart. We were really lucky to be able to use the Virtuali-tee shirts to recap on other systems within the body, before exploring the heart and lungs in close detail. The ability to peel back the layers of the hearts was super for allowing us to see the different chambers and structure of the heart.
In P.E, we continued our knowledge of pulse from previous learning, to start to explore the impact different exercise places on our heart; we will continue with this in the coming weeks. The children drew and labelled a model of the heart and have produced some excellent diagrams!
In addition, on Wednesday we were very lucky to take part in a zoom through The Children’s University with Space expert Professor Walsh from the University of Central Lancashire. He gave us some fascinating insight into the Sun and The Solar System which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.