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Y1 and Y2 Buddhism Assembly

What a wonderful assembly we had today when we had a visitor from the Buddhist group in Preston.   Lisa talked to us about love, kindness, compassion and patience. 
She took us through a beautiful guided meditation giving the people we love a heart hug and receiving their love back. We all agreed we felt calm and that it would help us to be better friends in school. She told us to keep a kind heart , and try to be the best person that we could be. 

She showed us a gorgeous singing bowl which could help us all meditate and stay calm. Something we could all have in our homes or classrooms.

Our visitor Lisa told us a story about Buddha Shakyamuni who wanted to try to get rid of the negative thoughts and feelings and he decided to change and focus on a fundamental wish to be happy . We all went away with a plan to be kind and compassionate and patient to everyone we meet. 
