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Equality Information and Objectives 

​Euxton Primrose Hill is committed to the principle of equality for all pupils irrespective of race, religion, gender, language, disability or family background, and to the active support of initiatives designed to further this principle. We believe that equality is at the heart of good educational practice. All pupils are of equal value and deserve equal access to every aspect of school life.

The Equality Act 2010 requires us to publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard for the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

At Euxton Primrose Hill we are aware of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and understand that it is unlawful to discriminate and treat some people less fairly and to put them at a disadvantage. In order to ensure that we fully comply with the Equality Duty, we produce a 4 year plan and review this on an annual basis (See Single Equalities in the Policies section of the website). Compliance is however a minimum requirement and, at Euxton Primrose Hill Primary School, we always aim to go above and beyond this. We have therefore established our 'Equality Ambassadors', who ensure that Equality remains high profile in all our decision making throughout school and also that we do all we can to ensure that any barriers are removed for every member within our school community.
We have 3 objectives that we are currently focussing on:

Objective 1: To promote equality of opportunity by reducing the attainment gap between SEN and non-SEN pupils.

Actions for objective 1:

  • To continue to have an inclusive ethos.
  • To ensure pupils with SEN access precise, targeted teaching to meet their needs.
  • To develop staff confidence with the use of PIVATS for tracking progress and setting SMART targets

Success Criteria for objective 1:

  • All pupils able to fully access the broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Pupils with SEN make good progress towards their tailored, ambitious targets.
  • External agencies engaged to ensure specialist support where required.
  • Staff are confident and report to the SENCO for IEP meetings with clearly evaluated IEP's and SMART targets in place for future targeted interventions.


​Objective 2To continue to raise pupil awareness of cultural prejudice/discrimination.

Actions for objective 2:

  • To continue to have an inclusive ethos that challenges prejudice/discrimination.
  • To have a range of cultural focussed assemblies where pupils can be educated about a wide range of cultures and cultural issues.
  • To record prejudiced related incidents and respond proactively with parents to ensure support in educating pupils in this area.
  • Lancashire Equality Awards element – aim to achieve the ‘Sexual Orientation’ Equality Badge. by the end of summer term 2025.

Success Criteria for objective 2:

  • Pupil behaviour is respectful and inclusive, as evidenced in monitoring and feedback from staff.
  • Structured assemblies take place to explore issues.
  • Interfaith speakers from 'Building Bridges' deliver enrichment programme to all year groups.
  • The following badges have been achieved:
  • Race Equality Badge
  • Gender and Gender Variance Equality Badge
  • Disability Equality Badge
  • Socio-economic Equality Badge
  • Religion and Belief Equality Badge


Objective 3: To ensure that whole school policies and practices are fully inclusive of our school community.


Actions for objective 3:

  • Undertake an audit of current curriculum resources and identify opportunities to have greater representation of our school community.
  • Identify opportunities to discuss and include the diverse range of families in our school.
  • To continue to have an inclusive ethos that challenges prejudice/discrimination.


Success Criteria for objective 3:

  • Pupil behaviour is respectful and inclusive, as evidences in monitoring and feedback from staff.
  • Structured assemblies take place to explore issues.
  • Gender and Socio-economic Equality Mark gained Autumn 2023.


To read our Single Equalities Policy, click here.
