Our SEND co-ordinator is Mrs. Emma Swinburn (Deputy Headteacher)
Telephone: 01257 276688
We strive to:
“Ensure that each child performs to the best of their ability.”
The school aims refer to “each child” and this is a key value, particularly when considering children’s special needs. We aim to provide for all children whatever their needs.
We aim to:
“Identify and develop the skills and talents of each child.”
At Primrose Hill, we will always uphold the Equality Act 2020, by ensuring that all reasonable adjustments will be made to enable pupils to thrive, regardless of SEND. When monitoring progress we identify children who have special educational needs. Many children have special educational needs during their school careers including able and talented children and, therefore, may require more individual help at times or additional opportunities to meet their needs and allow them to progress to meet their full potential. This may involve being taught occasionally in an area other than their usual class base. All children are taught occasionally in an area other than their usual class base. All children are taught in their own classes but may be withdrawn for extra help by their class teacher or teaching assistant. Pupils may also receive additional help from specialist staff e.g. Educational Psychologist, Children’s Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Individual Disability Support Service, Hearing Impaired Service, Visually Impaired Service.
We always strive to work closely with parents of children who are experiencing problems. You will be informed if your child is placed on the SEN register. Parents who are concerned about their child’s progress should speak to the class teacher, SEND co-ordinator (Mrs. Swinburn) or the Headteacher.