Pupil Leadership
At Primrose Hill we provide many opportunities for pupils to develop their leadership skills. The pupils are given opportunities to put themselves forward for specific roles, often voted for by their peers (showcasing democracy in action) or through an application. These roles require the pupils to take the lead on specific areas or subjects, supporting with school initiatives or projects, working alongside other children or staff, being a role model to others, or representing the school.
School Council
At the beginning of every year, each class from Year 1 to Year 6 select two children to represent them on the school council. For many children, this is their first experience of democracy in action, as they are voted for by their class mates from Year 2 upwards.
Activities include organising collections/fundraising at Harvest, Christmas and Easter and discussions about what we can do to make the school better. They have taken part in Parliament Week, and have been involved in the selection process of our Headteacher - Mrs Jones. In recent years, they have been able to visit the Houses of Parliament and meet our local MP, Sir Lindsey Hoyle, Speaker of the House.
Eco Club
Euxton Primrose Hill is very proud to be part of the ECO School's Programme. In Eco Club we strive to promote environmental awareness in a way that also links to curriculum subjects, promoting all children to become future responsible citizens.
Eco club meets every week and is pupil led. Throughout the year they pupils will work on the Eco School Seven Steps, encourage teamwork, and help to create a shared understanding of what it takes to run a school in a way the respects and enhances our environment and the community. Together they share an understanding of local and global issues.
Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders are selected in Year 4 and keep the role until they leave in Year 6. They are trained in using apps and resources so they become experts and support in classes. They also have the responsibility of looking after and organising IT equipment and helping lead computing and online safety themed assemblies.
Sports Ambassadors
Sports Ambassadors are chosen in Year 5 and hold the role until they leave in Year 6. The aim of our Sports Ambassadors is to raise the profile of sport and physical activity in school. Our ambassadors have undertaken sports media training from Literacy Kicks and produce sports newspapers, podcasts and sports news reports to share with other children in school. They also oversee our Year 4 PALS, organise sports competitions in school and keep the PE equipment tidy.
Children in Year 4 and 5 are invited to apply to be a Playtime Activity Leader (PAL). They are then selected to be trained by the Chorley School Sport Partnership to be a PAL. They are PALS for the rest of the year and beyond. They are responsible for organising, resourcing and leading sporting activities. PALS encourage Year 1 and 2 children each lunchtime to be physically active and to develop communication skills through a range of team games and skills-based activities.
Science Leaders
Science Leaders are chosen from each class to share their enthusiasm and ideas on how Science can be improved and enhanced across the school. They contribute towards the school's Science vision and principles to help the Science subject leader collect evidence of all the great Science happening at Primrose Hill.
Year 6 Buddies
Each child, once they reach Year 6, is matched with a 'Buddy' in EYFS. This important role of responsibility allows Year 6 children to nurture younger children, as well as setting clear examples of behaviour and standards. This allows children in EYFS, who are new to school, to know a 'friendly face', who they can ask for help and support when not in class.
Year 6 Librarians
During the Autumn Term, Year 6 children are invited to apply for the role of Librarian. As part of their duties, they support Mrs Hannant (School Librarian) with ensuring the Library is neat and tidy, with the books put away in the correct places. In addition, they support younger children, each lunchtime, to select books to take home. Our Year 6 librarians are also often spotted enjoying a book themselves in quieter moments!
Money Mentors
Money Mentors take an active role in our economic lessons delivered by Debt Aware. They help other pupils and also deliver gap tasks between units. A new responsibility for this year is to share money saving tips with our whole school community on the Wednesday Weekly. Our Money Mentors change on a termly basis to ensure that lots of pupils have the chance to hold a leadership role over Year 5 and 6.