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Euxton Primrose Hill Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and requires all staff and volunteers to share and demonstrate this commitment in every aspect of their work. At Primrose Hill all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors are made aware of our safeguarding procedures and all staff are given full safeguarding training on an annual basis or during their induction. If at any time we have concerns over the safeguarding of any child then we have a duty of care to ensure that the information is passed onto our designated senior safeguarding leader and, if deemed appropriate, to social care/the police. To view our Safeguarding and Child Protection/Prevent policies click here.


Our Designated Safeguarding Leader is Mrs. Claire Jones (Headteacher).



Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader is Mrs. Emma Swinburn (Deputy Headteacher).



Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader is Mrs. Helen Higson (EYFS Leader).



            Our Out of School Club DSL is Miss. Sarah Collison (OSC Manager).



Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr. Andy Oddy (






In addition to rigorous safeguarding procedures, we also try to maximize every opportunity within the curriculum to educate pupils about how to keep safe. Primrose Hill is a registered Kidsafe school and all pupils receive Kidsafe lessons in addition to PSHE/Online safety lessons. To find out more about Kidsafe including how it supports schools to meet statutory requirements in the areas of Early Years Foundation Stage, Children's Mental Health, Personal Social Health Education, County Lines, Relationship and Sex Education, Prevent and British Values click here.


Our Kidsafe Teachers are:


Mrs. A. Rigby (EYFS)


Mrs. E. Caunce (Years 1-6)



Euxton Primrose Hill is part of Operation Encompass. Operation Encompas is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership, which ensures that a child/young person's school/college is informed prior to the start of school the next day, that there has been an incident of Domestic Abuse or any incident to which the child/young person has been exposed, in which they may be considered to be vulnerable to harm, and which might then have an impact on them in school/college the following day. A nominated member of staff, known as the key adult, has been trained to liaise with the police. At Euxton Primrose Hill our key adult is Mrs. C. Jones. They will be able to use information that has been shared with them, in confidence, to ensure that school makes provision for possible difficulties experienced by children or their families.



If you have a safeguarding/welfare concern about a pupil/member of staff at Primrose Hill, you can report it to us anonymously. Please see the following poster for full details about how to report concerns to us.

If you have a concern relating to Child Protection, you can report this immediately via CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection). Use the link below to report directly to a Child Protection Advisor.

If you have a concern about a child and need to raise this with the authorities, you can report to Lancashire Social Care using the link below.

Safer Recruitment


The Governing Body of the school will:


  • ensure the school has effective policies and procedures in place for the safe and fair recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers in accordance with Department for Education guidance and legal requirements.
  • monitor the school’s compliance with DfE guidance and legal requirements.
  • ensure that appropriate staff and governors have completed safer recruitment training.


The Headteacher will:


  • ensure that the school operates safe and fair recruitment and selection procedures which are regularly monitored, reviewed and up-dated to reflect any changes to legislation and statutory guidance.
  • ensure that all appropriate checks have been carried out on staff and volunteers in the school.
  • monitor any contractors’ and agencies’ compliance with the policy.
  • promote the safety and well-being of children and young people at every stage of this process.


Safer Recruitment Training Record:


Course Title: Safer Recruitment (Lancashire County Council)

Staff Trained: Mrs. C. Jones (Headteacher) 23/02/2023

Governor Trained: Mr. P. Hannant 08/06/2022

Course Title: Safer Recruitment (National College)

Staff Trained: Mrs. E. Swinburn 05/11/2023


To read our Safer Recruitment Policy click here.
