Year 4 archive pre 2020
- The Finished Product
- Super Stitching
- Key Stage 2 Christianity assembly
- Wonderful Writing in Snowdon
- Super Fit Snowdon
- Atlas Skills in Snowdon
- Times Table Stars in Snowdon
- Lower key stage 2 science show
- Science show with Adrian
- European Day of Languages in Ben Nevis
- Saxon Stew- Ben Nevis
- Saxon Stew in Snowdon!
- Children Learning to Lead
- Team work maths challenge
- Maths challenge in Snowdon’s
- MacMillan Coffee Morning
- Artefact Examination in year 4
- VE Dance at Primrose Hill
- What a great experience
- Our Temple Trip
- New class member
- Making electrical circuit games
- Feeling Sporty in year 4
- Girls football, cricket and orienteering
- Travelling science show
- Super circuits
- WE visit
- Happy Poetry Day!
- Investigating decimals and place value
- Pop Up River Information Centre
- World book day – KS2 winners
- Taekwondo Assembly
- The ‘Up Beats’ concert
- Sports hall Athletics competition Years 3 and 4
- Year 3 and 4 Carol Concert
- Science show
- Lego land
- Legomania!
- Lego club
- Hi-Fives
- STEM club
- When we were evacuated!
- Chorley Sea Cadets Presentation
- KS2 science show
- Summer Fair
- Tennis Competition – Year 3 and 4
- Electrical Circuit Games
- Drumming workshop with Jeff Rich from Status Quo
- Getting ready for the drumming workshop
- School council are planning their healthy eating lessons
- Series or Parallel?
- A Right Royal Picnic
- Anderson shelter arrives...
- Orienteering fun
- Angle finders...
- Loving learning al fresco!
- Years 3 and 4 Girls football
- Life on the home front Primrose Hill style.
- What a lovely day...
- Exciting Electric
- Busy, busy in year 4!
- Oxfam Workshop
- Hot seating in English
- Super Science
- WOW!
- Amazing Year 4!
- Easter Bonnet Parade
- Year 4 Brass Concert
- Supporting Downs Syndrome Awareness Day in year 4
- Cross-country
- Kite Flying
- Bin bag skeletons
- Hockey
- Dance competition
- Decimal Work in year 4
- Primrose Hill Eco Heroes
- Year 4 Pop Up Information Centre
- Bones, bones everywhere!
- The Iron Man...
- Football Coaching
- World Book Day Fun for year 3 & 4
- Fabulous Felt
- River Studies in year 4
- Pop Up River Information Centre
- Hi-Fives