Uniform Information
All children should wear our school uniform which is bright, comfortable to wear and easy to obtain. Only the sweatshirt, cardigan and PE shirt with the school logo needs to be specially purchased from our two suppliers below, although generic items will be accepted as long as there is an exact colour match.
In order to support with keeping school uniform costs to a minimum, all other items can be obtained from any retailer, including second-hand retailers. To further support with keeping costs as low as possible and to minimise the amount of clothing being sent to landfill, we also hold termly uniform swaps, supported by the PTFA, and information regarding these can be found on our Wednesday Weekly/PTFA Newsletters.
Uniform EYFS/KS1: Green V-neck jumper or cardigan with printed school logo (available from NU Uniform and Impressions), white polo shirt, grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore, plain grey or black socks or grey tights and black school shoes. Alternatively, pupils may wear checked yellow or green summer dress and white socks instead.
Uniform KS2: Green V-neck jumper or cardigan with printed school logo (available from NU Uniform and Impressions), white shirt (long or short sleeved), tie*, grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore, plain grey or black socks or grey tights and black school shoes. Alternatively, pupils may wear checked yellow or green summer dress and white socks instead. *Pupils will be presented a tie (purchased through the PTFA) as they transition from KS1 to KS2.
Details of kit needed is provided at the beginning of each school year. Pupils in EYFS may wear their school white polo shirt for PE. EYFS pupils should wear sensible, suitable white soled velcro trainers (Laces are not allowed).
All pupils in Years 1-6 should wear a coloured T-shirt with the school logo that denotes the colour of their house team. This may be green, red, yellow or blue. Pupils may also wear black tracksuit/jogging suit pants and a school hoodie for outdoor PE. PE hoodies containing the school logo are available from Nu Uniforms. White soled trainers are required for indoor PE in Year 1-6. Pupils should attend school in their PE kit for the full day on which PE lessons are scheduled.
This can become a problem and an eyesore in school. Current practice is to find the owner immediately rather than to collect lost items. We therefore, have no official lost-property box.
Please ensure all uniform is LABELLED clearly with your child’s name so it can be returned to them should it get misplaced.
Hair (shoulder length) must be tied back and only discrete dark coloured or school colour hair accessories are permitted. Designs shaven into hair and hair colouring are not permitted.
Jewellery is not necessary for school and school operates a strict NO JEWELLERY policy in the interests of health and safety; for the avoidance of doubt this prohibition includes earrings and spacers, loom bands and wristbands. Pupils may only wear a sensible watch but this must not contain a camera facility or any features that may disturb learning.
Children should not bring valuable items or toys to school, as we cannot guarantee their safety.
The Headteacher reserves the right to contact parents to take their children home in order to comply with the school’s uniform policy outlined. If your child is experiencing any difficulties adhering to the school uniform policy, please contact the school office in the first instance and we will do our best to support you in resolving any issues.
Upon starting life at Primrose Hill, all parents are asked to sign a Home-School Agreement, with one of the statements we ask you to sign and agree to being, 'As a family, we will always try to ensure that my child wears the agreed school uniform'. If for any reason we have concerns about school uniform compliance, we will contact you to request your support in resolving the matter.
Please note that, should families refuse to comply with uniform expectations, we may have to take action. This could include, for example, your child missing out on PE/Sports activities if earrings are worn in term time as we do not allow the taping of earrings as a safe means to participating in PE lessons.
Should the uniform policy not be followed and it be deemed necessary by the Headteacher, your child will be sent home to rectify the matter under a short-term authorised absence (Half day). Failure to comply after the short term absence has been imposed will result in further absences being recorded as unauthorised or, potentially, exclusion. As always, if you are experiencing an issue with regard to wearing the correct uniform, please contact the school office and we will work together to try and resolve any matter.