Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The Governing Body of Primrose Hill School, when full, consists of 11 people. All have been appointed in accordance with the relevant Acts of Parliament.
The Governing Body are like a board of directors. They work in partnership with the Headteacher to make decisions about how the school is run in order to improve the quality of education and ensure pupil progress.
Governors are responsible for:
- Setting the strategic direction for the school and ensuring that school improvement is in line with the school’s vision and aims;
- Ensuring the school budget is spent wisely and effectively and in a way that helps the school to meet its vision;
- Holding the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to account by asking challenging questions and monitoring performance;
- When required, serve on panels of governors to appoint the headteacher and other senior leaders, appraise the headteacher, set the headteacher’s pay and agree the pay recommendations for other staff, hear the second stage of staff grievances and disciplinary matters and hear appeals about pupil exclusions.
Governors meet monthly, either as committees or as a full governing body. We have two committees that meet once every term:
Finance and Resources Committee, which has the main focus on ensuring that the school focuses its money on what is most important for the school.
Curriculum and Standards Committee, which meets to review what is being taught and to monitor performance and standards within the school.
All Governors meet as the full governing board once a term to deal with strategic matters and to review overall school performance.
Each Governor also has a subject and/or area of school performance that they are specifically assigned to monitor throughout the academic year.
To contact a member of the governing body, please contact the school via telephone on 01257 276688 or email the relevant governor directly using the email addresses below.
Mr. Andy Oddy Position: Chair of Governors Committee: Finance and Resources (Chair) Category: Local Authority Appointed by: Local Authority Term of Office: 20th Sept 2022 - 19th Sept 2026 Nominated Governor: STEM/Safeguarding Contact: or 01257 276688
Mrs. Joanna Potter Position: Vice Chair of Governors Committee: Curriculum and Standards Category: Parent Appointed by: Parents Term of Office: 23rd Feb 2022 - 22nd Feb 2026 Nominated Governor: SEND/Wellbeing Contact: or 01257 276688 |
Mrs Emma Swinburn Position: Acting Headteacher/SENCO Committee: Curriculum and Standards Category: Co-opted Appointed By: Governing Body Term of Office: 3rd Oct 2022 – 2nd October 2026 Contact: or 01257 276688
| Mrs. Danielle Smith Position: Governor Committee: Finance and Resources Category: Co-opted Appointed by: Governing Board Term of Office: 4th August 2022 - 3rd August 2026 Nominated Governor: Equality and Diversity/Personal and Cultural Development Contact: or 01257 276688
Mrs. Melina Carr Position: Governor Committee: Curriculum and Standards Category: Co-opted Appointed by: Governing Board Term of Office: 6th July 2022 - 5th July 2026 Nominated Governor: Language and Communication Contact: or 01257 276688 | Miss. Cheryl Pearson Position: Year 2 (Elm Class) teacher Committee: Curriculum and Standards Category: Staff Appointed by: Staff Term of Office: 23rd February 2022 – 22nd February 2026 Contact: or 01257 276688 |
Mr David Marchant Position: Governor Committee: Curriculum and Standards Category: Parent Appointed by: Parents Term of Office: 3rd October 2020 - 2nd October 2024 Nominated Governor: Physical Education and Sport Contact: or 01257 276688 | Mrs. Stephanie Moffatt Position: Governor Committee: Finance and Resources Category: Co-opted Appointed by: Governing Board Term of Office: 13th July 2021 - 12th July 2024 Nominated Governor: Arts and Humanities Contact: or 01257 276688
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Mrs. Emma Swinburn | Deputy Headteacher, Co-opted Governor | Lancashire County Council | No interest declared | NA | December 2023 |
Miss. Cheryl Pearson | Staff Governor | Lancashire County Council | No interest declared | NA | December 2023 |
Mr. Andy Oddy | Local Authority Governor | Euxton Parish Council | Member | NA | December 2023 |
Mr. David Marchant | Parent Governor | Edge Hill University | Employee | Lecturer at Edge Hill University | December 2023 |
Mrs. Melina Carr | Co-opted Governor | Lancashire County Council | No interest declared | Teacher at Balshaws C of E High School | December 2023 |
Mrs. Joanna Potter | Parent Governor | Lancashire County Council | LCC Employee | Inclusion Teacher Lancashire County Council SEND Services | December 2023 |
Mrs. Stephanie Moffat | Co-opted Governor | NA | No interest declared | NA | December 2023 |
Mrs. Danielle Smith | Co-opted Governor | NA | No interest declared | NA | December 2023 |