Year 3 archive pre 2020
- Key Stage 2 Christianity assembly
- Times Table games in Pendle
- Rivington Dance – Monsters!
- Pendle Class healthy living talk
- Pendle Class gymnastics
- European Day of Languages – Russia
- Lower key stage 2 science show
- Pendle Class cave painting
- Chocolate rocks in Pendle!
- Pendle Class testing rocks.
- Pendle Diwali workshop
- Measuring our pulse in Pendle Class
- Year 3 Stone Age Day – Shelter Building
- Rivington Dance – Monsters!
- Welcome to Rivington!
- Year 3 Stone Age Day – food and jewellery
- Year 3 Stone Age Day – Fire making
- MacMillan Coffee Morning
- Outdoor maths in Pendle
- Recounting stories in Pendle.
- DT packaging project in Pendle
- Advertising Southport in Pendle
- Making ice lollies in Pendle
- VR headsets in Pendle
- Exploring Capacity in Rivington
- Making a digestive system
- Making 3D shapes in Rivington
- Year 3 Divine Dance
- Digestive system fun!
- Learning about the digestive system
- Year 3 Sports Day
- Rivington Football Development
- Searching databases in Pendle
- Football Development morning in Pendle
- Rivington’s Knowsley Safari Trip
- Map work in Pendle
- Learning about teeth in Pendle
- Pendle Maths – measuring in seconds
- Travelling science show
- Pendle Class Knowsley Safari Park visit
- Athletics in Pendle
- DT moving pictures in Pendle
- WE visit
- French Horns come to Primrose Hill !
- Following instructions in Pendle
- Measuring perimeter in Pendle
- Drumming workshop in Pendle
- Light and reflections in Pendle
- Pendle Class volcano talk
- Volcanoes in Rivington
- Science Week – Visit from Mrs Sykes
- Science Week – How does light travel?
- World Book Day in Year 3
- World book day – KS2 winners
- Roman food tasting
- Rivington’s Friction Experiment
- Safer Internet Day in Pendle
- Safe searching in Pendle!
- Taekwondo Assembly.
- Upbeats Music Workshop
- Year 3’s Upbeats Music Morning
- Roman Day in Chester
- Pendle trip to Chester
- Back from Christmas!
- Finding out about soil
- Rocking, rolling, jumping and moving!
- Chocolate Rocks
- Times table board games
- Making fossils in Pendle
- Chocolate Rocks!
- Stone Age cooking!
- Outdoor PE
- Sports hall Athletics competition Years 3 and 4
- Science show
- Escape Room Fun!
- Lego land
- Lego club
- Gymnastics- Rocking and Rolling!
- Legomania!
- European languages day – Russia
- A great start to year 3
- STEM club
- Chorley Sea Cadets Presentation
- Year 3 Keepy-Uppy
- KS2 science show
- Healthy Eating in Year 3
- Year 3 Sports Day 2018
- Summer Fair
- Drumming workshop with Jeff Rich from Status Quo
- Tennis Competition – Year 3 and 4
- Getting ready for the drumming workshop
- School council are planning their healthy eating lessons
- A Right Royal Picnic
- Years 3 and 4 Girls football
- Easter Bonnet Parade
- Cross-country
- The Iron Man...
- World Book Day Fun for year 3 & 4
- Year 3 Mosaic Making
- Year 3 Science Investigation
- Our Great Grosvenor Trip
- Year 3 Friction Investigation
- Year 3 Chester Trip