Welcome to the PTFA section.
Parents are automatically members of our successful and active PTFA and all parents and friends are very much welcomed at our regular informal meetings. We are particularly pleased to see a new face! You can influence the success of Primrose Hill by contributing your talents and energy; the children will benefit all round from your efforts. The PTFA is one of your opportunities to help build and maintain a lively school for your children. We have many family events as well as raising finances for school activities.
Some of the ways PTFA helps:
- It meets regularly to plan social events e.g. games night, family BBQ and fund raising events – Christmas Fair, Jumble Sales
- It meets to discuss how best to spend its funds – on a new computer or a theatre trip for the whole school to enjoy
- It provides parents with a great opportunity to support pupils’ educational opportunities.
Some of the ways you can help the PTFA:
- Attend as many meetings as possible; you can air your views, volunteer to help or just sit and listen, it’s up to you
- Offer your services – help with events, write letters, design posters for events, anything
- New ideas – tell us, it may be just what we wanted. New parents in particular often provide a fresh viewpoint
- Attend events, bring your friends, sell tickets
- Promote the school outside. Emphasise its good points. Show you’re proud to belong
- As children leave Euxton Primrose Hill, parents may not wish to leave us completely and are invited to remain “friends” of our school.