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A busy few days in Year 6

Year 6 have certainly started the new half term with a fabulous work ethic. In the last week, there have been a number of key events which we have celebrated. Last Wednesday, during our guided reading session, we focussed our work on Remembrance after observing the two minute silence in class. The children analysed a narrative linked to the experiences of a soldier in war and then in the afternoon created a piece of art to reflect ‘War’. I think you will agree their final efforts are fantastic! 

On Friday, we joined in with Joe Wicks to celebrate his final 20 minutes of live workout as part of the BBC Children in Need events. It certainly was great fun, especially in our pyjamas! In the afternoon, our PSHE session explored how ‘Together, we can make a difference.’

Today, Year 6 have perfected some of their gymnastics balances in our P.E. session and had an informative visit from Mr Bamber (our school technician) who gave us some great insight into his role within school and how the school network runs as part of our new computing topic. Well done Everest for a great start to our topics so far. 
Mrs Goodyear
